TERM 2, 2025



Term 2, 2025.

Beach, Bush and Botanic locations.

Wednesday at 9.30am and 10.30am


Week 1: 23 April: Kite making and flying

Week 2: 30 April: Benefits of Butterflies

Week 3: 7 May: Autumn in the garden

Week 4: 14 May: Fantastic Frogs

Week 5: 21 May: Homes for animals

Week 6: 28 May: Cubbies


Experiential outdoor environmental education for families (Parents/Grandparents/Carers) and children 0-6 years


Wednesday 23 April

Kite flying at Seaford Beach

Make and decorate an age-appropriate kite to fly along the beach. Meet Samantha and Sammy seagull and their friends.  Discover other amazing birdlife that call our local coastal areas home. Meet on the beach in front of the Seaford Life Saving Club.


Wednesday 30 April

Benefits of Butterflies

Learn about the benefits of butterflies and which native and non-native plants attract these winged wonders into your garden. Pot-up a butterfly-attracting plant to take home. Help with a wild pollinator count at ‘Joy of the Earth’ Community Garden in Frankston.


Wednesday 7 May

Autumn splendour at Cruden Farm

Locate and name the colours of Autumn. Consider why some trees loose their leaves. Make an autumn-leaf crown.  Toss leaves into the air to be caught by the wind and carried away. Breathe fresh air and enjoy relaxing story time under an old majestic Autumn tree.


Wednesday 14 May

Fantastic frogs

Learn how to build a frog bog’ in your backyard to attract wild frogs. Examine the life-cycle of frogs, look for local frog spawn and tadpoles, listen for the sound of different frogs. Construct a green and spotty frog. (Venue to be confirmed)


Wednesday 21 May

Homes for animals.

Come on a ‘homes for animals’ discovery walk through the bush. Can you find Rosie and Roger ringtail’s nest? Experiment with natural items that float and sink, make a boat from items found in nature on our way to enjoy ‘wacky water- play’ at Sweetwater Creek in Frankston.


Wednesday 28 May

Navigating natural shelters.

Look for evidence of animals using the natural environment for shelter. Make a cubby using straw, sticks and rocks, just like in the fairy-tale, ‘The 3 little pigs’. Construct your own little piglet using items found in nature to re-tell this famous fable in the George Pentland Botanic gardens in Frankston.


  • Cost for the 1st child - $174

  • 2nd, 3rd, 4th siblings from the same family - $90 each

  • Total cost for 2 children - $264

  • Total cost for 3 children - $354

  • Total cost for 4 children - $444

  • Adults and babies (under 14 months) are free if attending with a paying sibling.