TERM 4, 2024



Term 4, 2024.

Beach, Bush and Botanic locations.

Wednesday at 9.30am and 10.30am (each for 45 minutes)


Experiential outdoor environmental education for families (Parents/Grandparents/Carers) and children 0-6 years

Week 1: 25 September. Spring Splendour. Langwarrin.

Week 2: 2 October. Backyard Bird Count. Frankston.

Week 3: 9 October. Summer Snake Safety. Frankston.

Week 4: 16 October. Wriggle and Jiggle. Frankston.

Week 5: 23 October. Wild Pollinator Count. Frankston.

Week 6: 30 October. Colours of the Rainbow. Mornington.


Wednesday 25 September

Spring Splendor

Stimulate your senses amongst beautiful bulbs waking up from winter! Observe the insects attracted to daffodils, wattle 
and lemon scented gums at Cruden Farm in Langwarrin. Engage in a contemporary, bright creation using traditional methods of pigment extraction from colorful, fragrant flowers and plants. 


Wednesday 2 October

Backyard Bird count.                 

Meet our ‘feathered friends’ that frequent beach, bush and botanic spaces. 

Use binoculars to spot birds and locate some interesting nests along Frankston’s foreshore. 

Construct a special little bird using items found in nature.


Wednesday 9 October

Summer Snake Safety.             

Learn ‘snake safety’, essential knowledge for a childhood outdoors and identify the different types of snakes that live where we do.         

Practice safe ways to walk and play outdoors in our Australian natural environment and examine how snakes help humans. Create a rainbow serpent using natural items at the George Pentland Gardens in Frankston.                                      


Wednesday 16 October

Wriggle and Jiggle and make some music    

Bounce along to Beauty Park in Frankston for songs, puppets, movement, games, dancing and singing. Recycle, repurpose and up-cycle! Make your own magnificent musical instruments using ‘windfall’ found in nature.


Wednesday 23 October

Wild Pollinator Count

Learn about the benefits of bugs and observe the plants that provide both food and habitat in your garden. Create your own beneficial bug using items found in nature. Contribute to citizen science by helping with a wild pollinator count at ‘Joy of the Earth Community Garden’ Frankston. 


Wednesday 30 October

Colours of the Rainbow               

Stimulate your senses in this magical rose garden in Mornington.  Perform a ‘colour hunt’ in nature.                                                                                                      Construct a fragrant group ‘petal’ rainbow and paint a magical rainbow complete with a pot of gold to take home.


  • Cost for the 1st child - $150 for 6 weeks

  • 2nd, 3rd, 4th siblings from the same family - $84 each for 6 weeks

  • Adults and babies (under 14 months) are free if attending with a paying sibling.